//Start the album script!
//Check if the admin is here.
If($display_admin) {
If($_COOKIE['phAdmin']==$admin_username.$admin_password) {
//Only if the user is an admin can he $_POST this stuff!
If($display_admin) {
If($phAdmin==true) {
//Make directorys!
If($_POST['makedir']) {
If($_POST['albumname']) {
If(!makedir($_POST['albumname'])) {
$phmessage="Error: Folder ".$_POST['albumname']." could not be created. Maybe the folder exists?";
} Else {
$phmessage="Folder ".$_POST['albumname']." has been created!";
} Else {
$phmessage="No Album name entered!";
//Upload Images!
} Elseif($_POST['upload']) {
If($_FILES['image']['name']) {
If(!upload()) {
$phmessage="Error: Image ".$_FILES['image']['name']." could not be upload. Probably a Chmod Error or file exists.";
} Else {
$phmessage="Image ".$_FILES['image']['name']." has been uploaded!";
} Else {
$phmessage="No File Selected";
} Elseif($_POST['remove']) {
If($_POST['file']) {
If(!remove()) {
$phmessage="Could not delete file, probably a premission error..";
} Else {
$phmessage="The file has been removed.";
} Else {
$phmessage="No filename was sent to be deleted...";
//Makes the tables look nice and pretty.
If($table_cells=="1") {
} Elseif($table_cells=="2") {
} Elseif($table_cells=="3") {
} Elseif($table_cells=="4") {
} Elseif($table_cells=="5") {
} Elseif($table_cells=="6") {
} Else {
//This is just a random ignore word if none is set above, pretty impossible to be in the filename anyways.
If(!$ignore_word) {
//A bit tricky, but all in all it works, returns the filename without the extension!
function file_name($key) {
$key=strrev(substr(strstr(strrev($key), "."), 1));
//Lets get the file extension.
function file_ext($key) {
$key=strtolower(substr(strrchr($key, "."), 1));
$key=str_replace("jpeg", "jpg", $key);
//My ever popular (Yeah right) function for image creation.
function file_thumb($file,$album,$file_name) {
global $thumb_width,$thumb_height,$jpg_quality;
//Get the file extension!
//The GD Libary only supports jpg and gif really, well it can only make a gif a jpg. There are other ways like image magik, but not many have it so I didn't include that. So dent anything that isn't a gif or jpg :(.
If(in_array($file_ext,$Allow)) {
//Lets do some converting!
$imgresized=imagecreatetruecolor($thumb_width, $thumb_height);
If($file_ext=="gif") {
} Elseif($file_ext=="jpg") {
} Elseif($file_ext=="png") {
} Else {
return false;
imagecopyresized($imgresized, $imgsoruce, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $imgdata[0], $imgdata[1]);
//PHP 4.4.X added safemode check which made me add this here..
If($file_ext=="gif") {
If(!imagegif($imgresized, $new_file)) {
return false;
} Elseif($file_ext=="jpg") {
If(!imagejpeg($imgresized, $new_file,$jpg_quality)) {
return false;
} Elseif($file_ext=="png") {
If(!imagepng($imgresized, $new_file)) {
return false;
return True;
return false;
//The tiny but powerfull ;) admin panel.
function phadmin() {
global $phmessage,$script_url,$album;
If($phmessage) {
Echo(" ".$phmessage." ");
Upload Image |
Make New Album |
//Makes a directory
function makedir($key) {
global $full_server;
If(!@mkdir($full_server.$album.$key)) {
return False;
return True;
//Uploads the file to the current directory.
function upload() {
global $full_server,$show_files;
If(in_array(file_ext($name),$show_files)) {
If(!file_exists($full_server.$album.$name)) {
If(!move_uploaded_file($key,$full_server.$album.$name)) {
return False;
} Else {
return True;
return False;
function remove() {
global $show_files;
If(in_array(file_ext($file),$show_files)) {
If(@!unlink($file)) {
return false;
} Else {
return true;
return False;
//Get the current album.
$album=stripslashes(str_replace(".","",$_GET['album'])); //Great security here.. Disallows going up the dir tree.
//Lil bit of security, not much but it may stop some kids from messing!
If(!is_dir($files_path.$album)) {
//We don't want ugly _'s or -'s to display with the file or folder names do we? No! So, lets take them out.
$replace=array(" "," ");
//############################# DISPLAY THE ALBUM###########################
//Boom! Splits the $album var into a readable array!
If($album) {
$nav=" ".$home_link." ";
} Else {
$nav=" ".$home_link." ";
//How many paths do we got in $album?
//Lets make the naviation!
for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) {
If($folder[$i]) {
//Give all the folders except the last folder a link and a closed picture.
If(($count-2) > $i) {
$nav .=" > ".ucwords($folder[$i])." ";
} Else {
$nav .=" > ".ucwords($folder[$i])." ";
//Lets get some images!!
//Loop through them all ;).
while($file=@readdir($dir)) {
//Don't display the stupid directory tree files.
If($file!= "." AND $file!= "..") {
//If it's a directory, show the folder image with a link to the new album
If(is_dir($full_server.$album.$file)) {
//If the file has the ignore word in it, do not show the file.
If(!eregi($ignore_word,$file)) {
//Make the html
$folders .= " | ".ucwords($display_name)." | \n";
If(is_int($j / $table_cells)) { //This makes the table all nice and neat, actually, it splits the table with a new every $table_cells images/folders.
$folders.= " \n\n";
} Else {
// Else, the file is not a directory, so it must be an image.
} Else {
//Hide the thumb files from displaying as regular files and disallow any file types that are not allowed.
If((!eregi("_thumb",$file)) && (in_array(file_ext($file),$show_files))) {
//If the file has the ignore word in it, do not show the file.
If(!eregi($ignore_word,$file)) {
//If a thumb file dosen't exists, then try and make one.
If($auto_thumb) {
If(!file_exists($full_server.$album.$file_name."_thumb".$file_ext)) {
If(!file_thumb($file,$full_server.$album,$file_name)) {
$thumb_error .="Thumb for ".$files_path.$album.$file." could not be created. ";
//Now, if there is a thumb file, display the thumb, else display the full images but smaller :(.
If(file_exists($full_server.$album.$file_name."_thumb".$file_ext) OR file_exists($full_server.$album.$file_name."_thumb".$file_ext)) {
} Else {
//Make the html
If($display_admin) {
If($phAdmin==true) {
If($drop_shadow) {
//Cool drop shadow effect.
$images .= "".ucwords($display_name)." ".$remove." | \n";
} Else {
//Image border
$images .= " ".ucwords($display_name)." ".$remove." | \n";
If(is_int($k / $table_cells)) { //This makes the table all nice and neat, actually, it splits the table with a new every $table_cells images/folders.
$images .= " \n\n";
} Else {
$images .="";
//Close the directory so the bugs don't get in and display some folders and images! Whew! What a workout!
If($images) {
If(!$image_close) {
Echo(" \n");
Echo(" \n");
If($thumb_error && !$supress_error) {
Echo("The following thumb errors have occured:
".$thumb_error." Maybe this is from the folder ".$files_path.$album." not being chmod 777. ");
} Else {
Echo("No images to display in this album. Please pick another album. | ");
Echo(" \n");
Echo(" \n");
Echo(" \n");
Echo(" \n");
If($display_admin) {
If($phAdmin==true) {
} Else {